


软管泵采用外装动、静环式机械密封,可直接水冲洗,耐高压,不易磨损,无泄漏。 体积小,流量大,扬程压力高,适用长距离与高阻力定量输送。 <br />
泵的叶轮与传动齿轮分开,且在泵腔内各零配件之间保证一定的间隙,相互不接触,无磨损,低噪音,可靠性好,使用寿命长,节能降耗。<br />

软管泵可应用于多用移动泵站的结构 :自吸高度可达到9米,水平自吸可达200米以上,无需灌泵。特别适合于市政下水道系统的污水、污泥抽排。无堵塞、杂质通过能力强。普通的塑料袋、沙石、编织袋、泥浆、毛发等杂物都不会影响泵的使用。采用原轮泵,耐干运行,泵体坚固耐用、寿命长。使用快速连接接头,方便进出口管道的装配。 整车设计紧凑、适应于狭小空间使用。使用便捷拆卸式防雨布、或硬质钢板隔音罩,低噪音设计,符合环保标准要求。

The hose pump can be applied to the structure of a multi-purpose mobile pumping station: self-priming height can reach 9 meters, horizontal self-priming can reach more than 200 meters, no need for drainage irrigation pump. Particularly suitable for sewage and sludge drainage in municipal sewer systems. No blocking, strong ability to pass impurities. General plastic bags, sand, woven bags, mud, hair and other sundries will not affect the use of the pump. The original wheel pump is resistant to dry running, and the pump body is durable and durable. Use quick connect joints to facilitate the assembly of inlet and outlet pipes. The complete vehicle design is compact and suitable for use in small spaces. Easy-to-remove rainproof cloth or hard steel sound insulation cover, low noise design, meet environmental protection standards.





Hose pumps are very versatile and can be applied to many occasions on the market, such as: emptying of sewage pump wells, emptying of sewage pumping stations, emptying of sewage ponds and sludge ponds in water plants. Empty sewage and sludge from municipal sewer system. Emergency transfer of oil, liquid substances, chemical sludge, etc. after the accident at factories and tankers; suction pumps for flushing water on the surface after the accident. Fire emergency water transfer; emergency water supply pump station, the internal flow parts of the pump can be equipped with stainless steel, several pump trucks in series can be used as temporary water supply pump station. Military and naval forces combat readiness logistic pump truck.


楚雄豫信致诚机械设备有限公司交通十分便利,地理位置好,是一家集研究、开发、生产和销售 路沿石成型机为主的科研型企业。 我公司主要生产 路沿石成型机等高性能产品。楚雄豫信致诚机械设备有限公司 路沿石成型机产品品种齐全,质量可靠,供货及时,售后体系完善, 路沿石成型机产品已销往我国三十多个省、市、自治区,并出口韩国、俄罗斯、日本、意大利等十几个地区,深受用户信赖。
